Idle warriors kerry thornley pdf

Works written by or about kerry thornley at wikisource the unofficiallyofficial site of kerry wendell thornley introduction by kerry thornley to the fifth illuminet press. The protagonist of idle warriors was named johnny shellburn, a composite character based on thornley, oswald and several other marines. Adam has written extensively on kerry thornley and many other prominent fringe characters and his insights on kt and chapel perilous should add much to our reading of cosmic trigger. Kerry wendell thornley april 17, 1938 november 28, 1998 is known as the cofounder along with childhood friend greg hill of discordianism, in which context he is usually known as omar khayyam ravenhurst or simply lord omar. In february 1962, thornley completed the idle warriors, which has the historical distinction of being the only book written about lee harvey oswald before john f. Ian thornley left 604 records in 2011 and signed with anthemsro. After the assassination, thornley wrote the nonfiction oswald. In 1962 thornley wrote a book about his time in the usmc.

Government printing office hb warren commission report 1964 new york times pb warren commission report 1964 u. Works written by or about kerry thornley at wikisource the unofficiallyofficial site of kerry wendell thornley introduction by kerry thornley to the fifth illuminet press edition of principia discordia. During this time, he reunited with his former big wreck bandmate, brian doherty, to resurrect the group. The idle warriors, illuminet press, june 1991 isbn 0962653403 external links. The idle warriors about a marine who defects to the ussr. There are no reliable sources that he is a real person at all. In the fall of 1963 thornley lived in new orleans and was in that city during a two week period when oswald was also there, thornley says he never saw oswald during this. As a doctrine, it holds universal enlightenment a prerequisite to abolition of the state, after which the state will inevitably vanish. London it is my sorrowful duty to report the loss of the discordian nonprophet sometimes known as omar khayyam ravenhurst, jesse sump, the grand caliph of california and ho chi zen, the author of zenarchy and the idle warriors, coauthor of the principia discordia, my dear close personal friend, kerry thornley. The idle warriors was thornleys novel about a young marines disillusionment as a result of overseas duty.

The origins of the sacred chao and the law of fives. Kerry wendell thornley april 17, 1938november 28, 1998 is known as the cofounder along with childhood friend greg hill of discordianism, in which context he is usually known as omar khayyam ravenhurst or simply lord omar. They then began work on a new album entitled albatross, which was released on march 6, 2012. Once again, i am left thinking that i was born in the wrong era i would have made an excellent crack pot. First press reference to kerry thornleys the idle warriors 1964 ancient discordian document. People like them had been in existence in california at. Its a story similar to any number of films and books from that time, both in style and content. Like oswald, kerry later served at atsugi air base in japan, the cias headquarters in the far east, as a radar technician, though they were not stationed at the same time. He and hill authored the religions text principia discordia, or, how i found goddess, and what i did to her when i found her. Steam and gas turbine by r yadav ebook torrents pathway. Kerry wendell thornley april 17, 1938november 28, 1998 is known as the. X by yon bonnie banksby yon bonnie braes a tayside childhood, vera milne, dawn brooks. Join facebook to connect with kerry thornley and others you may know. The story of kerry thornley and how he met oswald and inspired the counterculture.

Through the fictional character johnny shellburn, the idle warriors gives rare insight into the mind of the man who allegedly. Kerrys writings included a manuscript, the idle warriors, based on lee. Kerry wendell thornley is known as the cofounder of discordianism, in which context he is. However, by the midsixties his book the idle warriors, which was a hit piece on lee oswald as a former friend in the marine, had sold 17,000 copies. He and hill authored the religions seminal text principia. Thornley wrote a novel about a fellow marine who had defected. In february 1962, thornley completed the idle warriors, which has the historical distinction.

Jan 24, 20 the protagonist of idle warriors was named johnny shellburn, a composite character based on thornley, oswald and several other marines. Thornley, then a marine, meets lee harvey oswald in lake forest, california. Its a fact that the last thing kerry thornley wanted in 19631969 was to get identified in the kennedy assassination as a coconspirator along with lee harvey oswald. Thornley lost me a bit, especially toward the end, but i enjoyed it none the less. Thornley wrote a novel about a fellow marine who defected to the ussr. The testimony of kerry wendell thornley was taken at 9. Thornley completed the idle warriors, which has the historical distinction of being the only book written about lee harvey. Dec 17, 20 eventually this photocopy was handed over to infamous conspiracy and innovator publisher ron bonds of illuminet press who immediately published the idle warriors, in conjunction with kerry thornley with a new introduction by best evidence author david s. This is strange considering thornley had modeled the character in his book idle warriors after.

Kerry thornleys manuscript, the idle warriors, has a special meaning for me. The oswald mythology that she wants us to believe has not been accurate about kerry thornley, eric rogers, sylvia duran, and now oswalds trip to mexico city. Breckenridge enroute to atsugi, thornley started work on a the idle warriors, novel about a young marines disillusionment during the cold war era. Kerry wendell thornley april 17, 1938november 28, 1998 1 2 is known as the cofounder along with childhood friend greg hill of discordianism, 1 2 in which context he is usually known as omar khayyam ravenhurst or simply lord omar. Im not the only one to have exposed kerry thornleys lies about lee harvey. He and hill authored the religions text principia discordia, or, how i found goddess, and what i did to her when. Sanderson 18601985 exhibition catalogue, 1985, christine. Kerry thornley was in the usmc with oswald in japan. He and hill authored the religions seminal text principia discordia, or, how i found goddess, and what i did to her when i found her. This is an amusing work of fiction, perhaps a discussion of kerry wendell thornley as a character or pen name of robert anton wilson would be a good place to start. People like them had been in existence in california at least since the early forties.

The news of oswalds defection caused an immediate shift in focus to idle warriors, as the lead character, johnny. But because the book was based on oswald, it remains an eerie novelty, like the appearance of fidel. He went back to new orleans and may have impersonated lee on at least one occasion. Aug 15, 2016 by adam gorightly, guest blogger welcome to week 19 of the rawillumination cosmic trigger reading group. First, it provides an accurate picture through the vehicle of a novel of what it was like to be a marine in oswalds unit, marine aft. Kennedy assassination, making the work the only unique and preassassination artifact completely free of later events and their subsequent biases. Zenarchy is the social order which springs from meditation. Thornley was also known for his 1962 manuscript, the idle warriors, which was based on the activities of his acquaintance, lee harvey oswald, prior to. The protagonist was named johnny shellburn, a composite character based on thornley and other marines he had known, including oswald. The idle warriors is thornleys fictional book written about lee harvey oswald before the john f. Kerry wendell thornley was called in by jim garrison and the warren commission. Kerry wendell thornley academic dictionaries and encyclopedias. Discordianism is a paradigm based upon the book principia discordia, written by greg hill with kerry wendell thornley in 1963, the two working under the pseudonyms malaclypse the younger and omar khayyam ravenhurst. Through the fictional character johnny shellburn, the idle warriors gives rare insight into the mind of the man who allegedly committed the most infamous crime of the century.

Download pdf the idle warriors free online new books. Little did he know that his friend, lee harvey oswald, would be accused of assassinating president john f. Did your parents know that your book, the idle warrior was patterned after marine corps experiences with oswald. Kultcha is a wall newspaper that kerry thornley wrote, edited, selfpublished and distributed inandaround the little five points atlanta, georgia area for almost 15 years during the 1980s and 1990s thornley pushed kultcha on the streets to champion his unique outlook regarding life, politics, philosophy, the jfk assassination and the counterculture movement he created. The idle warriors is the story of a troop of marines in the far east getting laid, pulling pranks, eating, drinking, and talking about life. This page was set up for a place of encouraging words, support, and updates. Kerry wendell thornley april 17, 1938november 28, 1998 is known as the cofounder along with childhood friend greg hill of discordianism, in which context he is usually known as lord omar khayyam ravenhurst or simply lord omar.

Posts about kerry thornley written by johnny peepers there will never be another one like this guy. As you can see, thornley scrawled comments on each page, which became increasingly hostile as the pages turned, because he felt raw was misinterpreting or not. Apr 06, 2017 sport armageddon, geoff wightman, liz morell, sheila harding. But discordianism began with greg hill aka malaclypse the younger or mal2 and kerry thornley aka omar khayyam ravenhurst or lord omar, who were drawn together by their common interest in humanism, atheism, black magic, hypnotism and their own deranged sense of humor. District attorney jim garrison claims he has witnesses who say they saw the two together. In the fall of 1963 thornley lived in new orleans and was in that city during a two week period when oswald was also there, thornley says he never saw oswald during this time. Following are portions of the zenarchy broadsides, beginning with the august 19, 1968 issue published in tampa. Lifton told how thornley, a marine who wanted to be a writer. Marines together, both challenged the american establishment, and had similar looks. This next new year, sep 18, 2000, juvenile fiction, 32 pages.

Kerrys experience with the consequent mayhem and insubordination that predominated at the base was recounted in the idle warriors. Sport armageddon, geoff wightman, liz morell, sheila harding. Kerry thornley and the fair play for cuba handbills 1963 november 27. Rugby correspondent gerry thornley looks at the irish squad selected for the six nations championship opener with wales and discusses how the competition is likely to play out. Kerry wendell thornley project gutenberg selfpublishing. The story of kerry thornley and how he met oswald and inspired the counterculture gorightly, adam, robert anton wilson on. Iain thornley born 11 september 1991 is an english rugby league footballer who plays as a centre and winger for the leigh centurions in the betfred championship. Kerry wendell thornley is a fictional creation of robert anton wilson. This week the task of shedding some light on the horrors begin 150 and ishtars walk. Lifton, in 1991 under the illuminet press imprint, launching the ron bonds conspiracy.

Due to the serendipitous nature of thornley s choice of literary subject matter, he was. The same year thornley finishes the manuscript of his novel, the idle warriors. Kerry thornley s manuscript, the idle warriors, has a special meaning for me. According to selfproclaimed crackpot historian adam gorightly, discordianism was fo. London it is my sorrowful duty to report the loss of the discordian nonprophet sometimes known as omar khayyam ravenhurst, jesse sump, the grand caliph of california and ho chi zen, the author of zenarchy and the idle warriors, coauthor of the principia discordia, my dear close personal friend, kerry.

The contrast between kerry thornley and raw is invaluable for anyone considering a study of magick, the occult, the illuminati, etc. Thornley has been charged and arraigned for perjury be. Never whistle while youre pissing historical enigma spotlight. While thornley was in atsugi, oswald was discharged, and soon after defected to russia. Kerry wendell thornley zenarchy by kerry thornley the historical impropaganda chronicles. Thornley, 1991, illuminet press edition, in english 1st ed.

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